Humans defined

"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." -- C. S. Lewis

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Authorities on Garbage

Wherever I am, I follow the example and instructions of those in authority over me. This is especially true in regard to my position on garbage and recycling. My parents, with whom I am still living, allow us to trash almost everything, including metal cans that cannot be washed out easily. When I am at home, I follow their example and send most of my gargage to the incinerator to be turned into eletricity. My boss at Western Technical College, on the other hand, is a member of the recycling initiative, which has made recycling easy at Western by bringing in tall, white boxes in which to stow recyclables. At work, therefore, I recycle papers, plastics, and metal. I also help the other workers recycle by shredding their confidential papers and putting the shreds out for recycling instead of incinerating the papers. The different viewpoints of my parents and my boss are diametrically opposed, and have left me unsure of what position I should take on garbage. Since our garbage is burned for energy, and the power plant separates out non-flammable recyclables, isn't it all right to throw away just about everything, as my parents think? But if it's possible t do more than what is merely expedient, and to truly recycle as my boss does, then why would I not do my very best to care for the environment? I could research recycling plants in the area. I could even get my parents and sisters involved, and make recycling a homeschooling project. I think I will do so, and thus be able to respectfully obey the authorities over me and still think for myself.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Introducing the Modern Gondorian!

What ho, friends and family! I have now entered the wonderful world of blogging. You can expect frequent posts for at least one semester, because this blog is required for my Written Communication class at Western. I may post more often than is required, however, because of my insatiable desire to play with words. You probably all know how I thrill to the turn of a phrase, and agonize over inspirations that I have no time to express in writing. This blog may give me a good outlet for all my wordiness.

If you didn't know me well enough to know that, then welcome to my world! Here, we speak in a strange language made up of old English, modern English, and book and movie quotes. The Modern Gondorian does many random things, and may speak as a college student one day and as a medieval princess the next. If all of this has you a little freaked out, I won't be offended. Even those who know me best call me strange.

To conclude this introduction, I would like to thank Ms. Pamela Solberg for giving me this opportunity to blog my thoughts. You are a wonderful teacher, Ms. Solberg!

That's all for now. Check back next week for more from the Modern Gondorian.